Splats Circus and King Alfred

By Splats Entertainment

“When the Vikings over ran Saxon Britain, legend has it, that King Alfred went amongst the viking camps as an entertainer to understand his enemy better. What he discovered as his secret weapon was tolerance and over the next 40 years these tribes merged to build the foundation of our modern country. Let us create…

Splats Circus and Boudica

By Splats Entertainment

“When Emperor Claudius brings his entire entourage to conquer Britain, elephants, circus and all, the Celts remain unimpressed. Splatacus, the Roman trainee elephant handler, has more luck making friends with young princess Boudica, who loves his baby elephant. Trouble starts when the Emperor decides to sacrifice the elephant leading Boudica and Splatacus to join forces…

Splats Circus and Shakespeare

By Splats Entertainment

“After getting knocked out in an early Tudor football match, Splatacus wakes up press ganged as the Cabin boy of Francis Drake. And so begins his adventures as the first juggler to circumnavigate the world and fight the Spanish Armada, finally to be reunited with his family at the Globe theatre in time to give…

Greek history

By Splats Entertainment

“Join Milo of Kroton and his training cow as they venture to compete in his first Olympic games. Discover how this novice from a small town in the Ancient Greek world defies the might of Athens, Sparta, Argos and Megara to become the greatest Olympian of the Ancient World. Find out how his cow helped…