Katie and the mona lisa

By Splats Entertainment

Katie and the Mona Lisa Here is James Mayhews very first, preliminary set design/ sketch for a scene featuring a reimagining of Botticelli’s Primavera! See our theatre page for more details and here is where you can book your tickets for the Fairfield Hall, Croydon

Just so science Kipling stories

By Splats Entertainment

  Here’s a great little series from the BBC I found whilst researching our Jungle Book show Vivienne Parry presents the science behind some of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories Including: 1. How the Whale Got His Throat 2. How the Leopard Got His Spots 3. The Beginning of the Armadillos 4. How the Rhinoceros…

Storytelling and our reponsibility

By Splats Entertainment

Just reading Bernard Cribbins talk about children’s TV being too fast and noisy made me think of a very thought provoking article written by the late, great Oliver Postgate of Bagpuss fame. In this article entitled DOES CHILDREN’S TELEVISION MATTER? Oliver Postgate concludes, Finally, let me offer you the following serious thought. Suppose, if you…