Splats how we learn days focus in on juggling and is a fascinating way of observing how we learn new skills.

Our teacher will show how juggling:

circus skills ball juggler girl

  • Teaches you how to drop  – dropping a ball is an integral part of learning to juggle. It is from the drops that the brain gathers the information to throw and catch comfortably.
  • Shows you the value of a gentle effort. This is a skill that transfers into all other sports and activities.
  • Teaches you not take yourself too seriously.
  • Teaches you how to teach others. Children and adults naturally share and teach each other.
  • Shows you how to break skills down into stages. Step by step learning to juggle 3 balls is possible.

it is because  the learning process is right there in front of you and it is such a fun activity that the learning lessons are so effective.

How we learn after the day

This day can also be used as a launchpad for you to teach juggling as a natural positive break for the pupils in class time, or as a PE activity. It is the perfect solution to an active positive break during class to stimulate the brain cells and get the body moving.

We supply teaching guides, videos, equipment that can support the complete novice circus teacher into introducing juggling to their class. To be honest once the children have learnt the basics they will soon teach each other, but there are some simple and effective teaching points which will help everyone learn.